Aggie Transfer Scholars Weekend

What is ATSW?
Students who are preparing for their transfer year participate in Aggie Transfer Scholars Week the summer before applying to UCD. This program provides more intentional and in-depth immersion into the UCD experience and transfer process through group mentorship, TAG application preparation and comprehensive UC application preparation, along with several other benefits. Students also leverage the assistance of the TOP Coordinators who work one-on-one with students to best prepare them for a successful transfer.

How to Participate
AvenueB students should participate in the program the summer before they are planning to submit their TAG and/or apply to transfer to UC Davis.
To be considered you must:
- Create a UC TAP account and fill out your personal information and your previous course work.
- Be sure to check the AvenueB box under UC Davis Transfer Prep Programs
- Look for an invitation to register in your inbox in early April!